Trendwatch has released its consumer trends for 2013. Pretty interesting stuff. From Appscriptions to Custowners, they’ve done a decent job at highlighting some consumer trends that are sure to become part of our lexicon in 2013.
At Stryve, we’ve noticed a few trends that are gaining steam. These are based on our experiences and mostly anecdotal, but we think these trends are a few things marketers should pay attention to.
The Quantified Self Movement (aka Body Hacking)
We started to notice this unique trend after reading Tim Ferriss’ 4-Hour Body, somewhat of a body-hacking user guide. The Quantified Self incorporates technology and self-monitoring to improve performance and health. Tools include wearable sensors and computing to track everything from food consumed to performance. Some attribute the trend to the hacking culture of silicon valley translated to health. Some influential leaders in this field include David Asprey, The Bulletproof Exec who sells everything from upgraded coffee to Bulletproof® Vibe Whole Body Vibration Plate that is supposed to detoxify and restore your immune system. There are apps that are even capitalizing on this trend including FitBit which tracks your health and fitness, then syncs wirelessly to offer insight and encouragement.
The availability of measurement and data tools for personal health use is making it profoundly easier for consumers to track and manage their own health and lifestyle. We think that there is more to come from this interesting trend in 2013.
A Return to the Primal Self
We think this trend will continue in 2013 with many more city dwellers taking up the challenge of connecting with their primal self. It should be interesting to see what TV shows, products and continue to flow out of this trend.